Enhancing Accessibility in E-Commerce with Pivotal Accessibility

E-commerce has transformed how consumers shop, offering unparalleled convenience and access to a wide range of products. This case study delves into the accessibility challenges faced by a leading e-commerce website in the United States. It demonstrates how Pivotal Accessibility played a crucial role in resolving these challenges to create a more inclusive online shopping experience for customers.

The e-commerce sector has seen an unprecedented surge in the United States. In 2023, the total sales are projected to surpass the $1 trillion mark. This surge is not limited to the United States alone; on a global scale, e-commerce sales might reach $5 trillion in 2023 and surge to an astonishing $6 trillion by 2024. The pandemic-induced shift towards online shopping for essential and luxury items has left a lasting impact on consumer behavior. More significantly, the trend shows no signs of abating, with an ever-growing number of consumers embracing the convenience and variety offered by E-Commerce platforms. But this growth is also marked by challenges. According to a study by Baymard Institute, 94% of the largest e-commerce sites are not accessibility compliant. Let’s understand this issue in depth by starting with an introduction to web accessibility.

What Is the Essence of Accessibility?

Accessibility is the practice of creating websites and apps using tools and technologies that ensure seamless usability for a diverse audience, including individuals with both situational limitations and various disabilities. The global population comprises over 15% of people with physical, visual, auditory, cognitive, neurological, and other disabilities. Extending this inclusive approach, consider the users with situational limitations, such as senior citizens, users with slow internet connections, residents of rural areas, multi-device users, and those experiencing temporary disabilities. These collective user segments represent a large user base that is often overlooked but holds substantial potential for businesses.

Website accessibility serves as the gateway for this diverse demographic, facilitating their ability to perceive, comprehend, navigate, and interact with your online platform. By embracing website accessibility, your website becomes a welcoming space for an extensive spectrum of users.

The Legal Landscape of E-commerce and Accessibility

The tremendous growth in e-commerce is accompanied by a pressing issue – the need for digital accessibility. The paradigm of web accessibility is gaining increasing attention in the e-commerce sector due to the remarkable surge in Digital ADA (Americans with Disabilities Act) lawsuits. It is noteworthy that e-commerce accounts for a staggering 84% of all Digital ADA lawsuits, making it the primary target of legal action in the context of digital accessibility. The legal landscape, while complex, is indicative of a vital need for e-commerce businesses to prioritize and invest in web accessibility.
84% lawsuits on Ecommerce and 16% lawsuits on Others

Surge in ADA related Digital Lawsuits in E-commerce

Industry Total percent
eCommerce 84%
Food Services 7%
Education 2%
Healthcare 1%
Fitness & Wellness 1%
Others 5%
Grand Total 100%

The Unique Methodology of Pivotal Accessibility in Overcoming These Challenges

Addressing these accessibility challenges required a comprehensive strategy, substantial technical expertise, and a commitment to making the website's extensive offerings accessible to all users. This is where Pivotal Accessibility stepped in with a tailored solution to overcome these challenges and enhance the e-commerce site's overall accessibility.

Pivotal Accessibility devised a comprehensive approach to help the leading e-commerce website in the United States overcome its accessibility challenges. The process involved several key steps:

Initial Accessibility Audit

Pivotal Accessibility began with a thorough website audit to identify areas that required improvement. This audit involved a detailed assessment of the website's adherence to WCAG guidelines, user interface, multimedia content, and mobile responsiveness.

Customized Accessibility Plan

After the audit, a customized accessibility plan was developed. This plan outlined the specific issues that needed to be addressed, along with a roadmap for achieving compliance. Pivotal Accessibility's experts guided the necessary updates and enhancements.

Interface Simplification

To address the complex user interface, Pivotal Accessibility worked on simplifying the design while retaining its functionality. This involved streamlining the website's navigation and ensuring that interactive elements were more accessible to assistive technologies like screen readers. The team introduced clearer headings, labels, and interactive elements, making the website more user-friendly for individuals with disabilities.

Multimedia Accessibility

Pivotal Accessibility provided solutions for making multimedia content, including images and videos, accessible. This involved adding alternative text to images, providing captions for videos, and ensuring compatibility with screen readers and other assistive technologies. A content management system was implemented to make it easier for website administrators to add accessible multimedia content in the future.

Mobile Optimization

To address mobile accessibility, the team worked on optimizing the website for various mobile devices. They introduced mobile-responsive design principles, which allowed the website to adapt seamlessly to different screen sizes and orientations. Mobile screen readers were tested, and touch gestures and voice commands were incorporated to enhance accessibility on mobile platforms.

Content Management Integration

Pivotal Accessibility integrated a content management system (CMS) that facilitated the creation and maintenance of accessible content. The CMS ensured that new content and features were automatically checked for accessibility compliance. It also provided guidelines and tools for content creators to produce accessible content.

Testing and Validation

Rigorous testing and validation were essential components of the project. Pivotal Accessibility established an ongoing monitoring and testing process to ensure that accessibility standards were maintained. User feedback was actively solicited and used to make continuous improvements. The testing process also involved individuals with disabilities to gain valuable insights into real-world user experiences.

Training and Education

Pivotal Accessibility offered training and educational resources to the e-commerce website's team. This empowered them to understand and prioritize accessibility, make necessary updates, and create new content with accessibility in mind. Ensuring the internal team was knowledgeable about accessibility practices contributed to the project's success.

By systematically addressing these accessibility challenges, Pivotal Accessibility played a crucial role in transforming the e-commerce website into an inclusive platform. The result was a website that welcomed customers of all abilities and provided a seamless shopping experience, regardless of their chosen device or assistive technology. The partnership with Pivotal Accessibility not only achieved compliance with accessibility standards but also enhanced the website's overall user experience, ultimately benefiting both the company and its customers.

Accessibility Challenges Faced by a Leading E-Commerce Business

Understanding the strategic advantage and the ethical position of web accessibility, a leading e-commerce website in the United States wanted to make its digital assets more inclusive and accessible to all users. They turned to Pivotal Accessibility , a prominent web accessibility service provider to help them on their accessibility journey. They were facing substantial accessibility challenges that needed to be addressed:
Six Challenges Faced by a Leading E-Commerce Business

Accessibility Standards and Compliance:

The e-commerce giant struggled with aligning its digital platform with accessibility standards, particularly the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG). Adhering to these standards was critical, as non-compliance could result in legal ramifications and deter potential customers with disabilities.

Complex User Interface:

The website featured a complex user interface, abundant with dynamic features such as product recommendations, live chat functionalities, and intricate shopping carts. While these features enhanced the user experience for many customers, they posed a significant challenge for users with disabilities. Screen readers and assistive technologies often struggle to navigate these complex interfaces effectively, causing frustration and hampering the shopping experience of users with disabilities.

Vast Multimedia Content:

The website's extensive use of multimedia content, including images, videos, and interactive graphics, was a double-edged sword. While it enriched the user experience for many, it presented accessibility barriers for those with visual or auditory impairments. Ensuring that these multimedia elements were accessible through alternatives like descriptive text, captions, and transcripts was a daunting task, given the sheer volume of content.

Mobile Responsiveness:

The shift toward mobile shopping was undeniable, and the e-commerce website needed to ensure that it was responsive and accessible across various mobile devices. This presented a unique challenge since the mobile platform required different accessibility considerations. Ensuring compatibility with mobile screen readers, optimizing touch gestures, and providing voice command functionalities were all essential components of this challenge.

Comprehensive Compliance:

Achieving and maintaining accessibility standards across the entire website, which likely contained thousands of pages and constantly evolving content, was a formidable challenge. Ensuring new content and features remained accessible in real time was a persistent issue.

Ongoing Testing and Validation:

The website's accessibility efforts required ongoing testing and validation, a process that demanded extensive resources. Rigorously testing the site, validating user feedback, and fine-tuning accessibility features were critical but resource-intensive tasks.

Benefits and Outcomes of the Accessibility Partnership

The collaboration between the leading e-commerce website and Pivotal Accessibility yielded significant benefits:

Enhanced User Experience:

Users with disabilities reported a vastly improved shopping experience, emphasizing the ease of navigation, efficient search functions, and quicker transaction processes.

Better Search Engine Optimization:

The website also saw improvement in its Search Engine Result Pages (SERP) ranking as many fundamentals of SEO and Accessibility like Alt Text for images, title tags, proper headings, etc. overlap.

Wider Customer Base:

By addressing accessibility challenges, the e-commerce website expanded its customer base to include individuals previously deterred by accessibility issues. This translated into increased revenue and market reach.

Legal Compliance:

The website achieved compliance with WCAG standards, minimizing the risk of legal disputes and demonstrating a commitment to inclusive.

Positive Public Image:

The commitment to accessibility and inclusive portrayed the e-commerce website as a socially responsible business, enhancing its public image and fostering customer loyalty.

Mobile Accessibility:

With the growing trend of mobile shopping, ensuring mobile accessibility made the website more competitive in the e-commerce market.


The case of this leading e-commerce website in the United States highlights the importance of web accessibility in the digital age. By partnering with Pivotal Accessibility , the company was not only able to overcome its accessibility challenges but also achieved a competitive edge in the e-commerce industry. This case study serves as a testament to the significance of inclusivity, demonstrating that accessibility is not merely a compliance requirement but a key driver for business success. Moreover, web accessibility is an ongoing process that also needs to be considered as a necessity rather than a luxury. Businesses should choose accessibility service providers with an established track record to ensure a comprehensive and sustainable approach.

Pivotal Accessibility's commitment to excellence in web accessibility not only addresses immediate compliance needs but also anticipates future challenges. This foresightedness ensures that businesses stay ahead in an environment where digital innovation is relentless and user expectations are ever-evolving.